Produce Prep Spray
Filling our bodies with fresh fruits and vegetables is a well known part of healthy living. There’s an entire diet movement happening right now that’s based on eating only what can be found organically in nature. The benefits of consuming fresh, organically grown produce are wonderful- but I wouldn’t recommend shoveling down a mouthful of grapes while walking through the local grocery store.
All organic as well as non-organic produce needs a little prep work before we eat it. Aside from chemicals and fertilizers that are used by many farmers to grow our favorite fruits and veggies, parasites are prevalent in so many of our favorite healthy snacks!
By eating a handful of berries without properly cleaning them, you’re running the risk of those parasites, as well as other harmful pathogens, entering your body and causing some major damage (like awful, horrible, lower GI tract kind of damage…ugh).
And did you ever think of how many hands have touched that same produce you’re getting ready to eat? SO many germs!
Before you toss those carrot sticks and reach for the Doritos- I have a solution! (you knew I would). Prepping your fresh produce can be done quickly, easily, and in an all natural way that’s safe for everyone.
This recipe uses only 3 ingredients but packs a punch when it comes to killing off germs and parasites. By spraying your fruits and vegetables with this prep solution prior to consuming, you’re eliminating germs, parasites, and stripping away harmful pesticides.
So keep on eating those carrot sticks!!
Produce Prep Spray
Spray top bottle 1 cup vinegar 8 drops grapefruit seed extract 20 drops grapefruit essential oil
Combine all ingredients in the bottle and shake well. Spray your fruits and vegetables with the prep solution allowing to your produce to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. If you are washing a large amount of produce, repeat this process a few times.
Since the oils are extremely concentrated and the solution incorporates vinegar, this prep solution will keep for several weeks- making it a great, affordable way to keep yourself and your family healthy, while eating your favorite healthy snacks!
Author: Bulk Apothecary